Impact of maternal smoking and secondhand smoke exposure during singleton pregnancy on placental abruption: analysis of a prospective cohort study (the Japan Environment and Children's Study)
by Karumai-Mori H. et al.This study aimed to investigate the association and population-attributable fraction (PAF) of maternal smoking and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure during pregnancy with placental abruption. Findings suggest that maternal smoking and SHS exposure during pregnancy significantly contribute to the risk of placental abruption in Japan. Therefore, preventive interventions and measures to reduce exposure are required to prevent placental abruption.
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension and Association With Future Autoimmune Diseases
by Shih, Y.H. et al.The objective of the study was to explore the associations between hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and the subsequent development of autoimmune diseases. Findings suggest that women with a history of pregnancy-induced hypertension face a higher long-term risk of autoimmune diseases, emphasizing the need for ongoing monitoring and preventive care.
Relationship of perinatal outcomes to the competence and quantity of contact with community health workers
by Tomlinson, M. et. al.The effectiveness of perinatal home visits by community health workers (CHWs) often diminishes when large regional or national programmes are implemented. To address this gap, the authors aimed to identify which CHW behaviours influence maternal and child outcomes. Findings suggest that the current standards for training and monitoring of paraprofessional home visitors are highly unrealistic. Substantial and ongoing investments are needed for visits to occur consistently over time. However, hiring and selection criteria are likely as important as training and monitoring. CHW programmes must be embedded in organisational contexts that are well functioning and have management and support structures that are operational to ensure their success.
Temporal changes in hospital readmissions for postpartum hypertension in the US, 2010 to 2019; a serial cross-sectional analysis
by Deshpande A. et al.In this paper, the authors estimate the trends in the incidence of readmissions for postpartum hypertension within 42 days of delivery discharge in the US, disaggregated by median household income. Findings suggest that the increasing postpartum hypertension readmission burden suggests rising future health risks among mothers and a growing cost burden to the U.S. healthcare system. The higher rate of increase in postpartum hypertension readmissions among people without a history of hypertension calls for blood pressure checking in the postpartum period for all patients regardless of risk status.
This study explored construct validity of the widely used indicator for "demand satisfied" by comparing the standard definition to alternative definitions of the indicator highlighting dimensions of women's own perceived demand, choice, and satisfaction. Revising the definition of demand satisfied to reflect the principles of person-centered care offers an opportunity to improve construct validity by ensuring that global measurement efforts align with women's reproductive rights.
Tenofovir and Hepatitis B Virus Transmission During Pregnancy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
by Pan C.Q. et al.The objective was to determine whether initiating tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) at gestational week 16 combined with HBV vaccinations for infants is noninferior to the standard care of TDF at gestational week 28 combined with HBV vaccinations and HBIG for infants in preventing MTCT in mothers with HBV and high levels of viremia. Among pregnant women with HBV and high levels of viremia, TDF beginning at gestational week 16 combined with HBV vaccination for infants was noninferior to the standard care of TDF beginning at gestational week 28 combined with HBIG and HBV vaccination for infants. These results support beginning TDF at gestational week 16 combined with infant HBV vaccine to prevent MTCT of HBV in geographic areas where HBIG is not available.
Maternal Cannabis Use Disorder and Neonatal Health Outcomes: A Data Linkage Study
by Tadesse A.W. et al.This study tested for the potential associations between maternal antenatal cannabis use disorders (CUD) and neonatal health outcomes using large linked administrative data. The study found that maternal antenatal exposure to CUD is associated with a range of adverse neonatal outcomes. This study highlights that targeted interventions focusing on antenatal counselling are recommended to mitigate risks associated with maternal cannabis use.
Association of Severe Maternal Morbidity With Subsequent Birth
by Tsamantioti E. et al.The objective of the study was to examine the association between severe maternal morbidity (SMM) in a first birth and the probability of a subsequent birth. The findings suggest that women who experience SMM in their first birth are less likely to have a subsequent birth. Adequate reproductive counseling and enhancing antenatal care are crucial for women with a history of SMM.
The Role of Baby-Friendly Designated Hospitals in Breastfeeding Initiation Across Racial/Ethnic Groups in Florida
by Lebron C.N, et al.The objective of this study is to evaluate the association between birth at a Baby-Friendly Hospitals (BFH) and the breastfeeding initiation in Florida. Giving birth at a BFH is associated with greater odds of breastfeeding initiation. However, when considering the race and ethnicity of mothers, these odds significantly decline, indicating a need to further explore the barriers that may preclude non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic moms from receiving the same benefits of BFH.
Mothers' and fathers' experiences of breastfeeding and returning to paid work after birth: A mixed-method study
by Ayton J, et al.The major finding of this study is that breastfeeding is insufficiently recognised as an integral part of the return-to-work process for both parents, generating a form of work-family breastfeeding conflict, where work (part-time or full-time) interferes with family responsibilities and breastfeeding. Family-friendly breastfeeding policies based on equity principles are needed to address workplace gender inequality and discrimination and better support parents in combining work and breastfeeding.
Risk of adverse infant outcomes associated with maternal mental health and substance use disorders
by Brown CC. et al.This study aimed to evaluate the association of mental health and substance use disorders on the risk of adverse infant outcomes overall and by race/ethnicity and payer. Given the risk of adverse infant outcomes associated with mental health and substance use disorders across racial/ethnic groups and payers, our findings highlight the critical importance of policies and clinical guidelines that support early identification and treatment of a broad spectrum of mental health and substance use disorders throughout the perinatal period.
Postpartum haemorrhage and risk of cardiovascular disease in later life: A population-based record linkage cohort study
by Latt, S.M. et al.The objective of the study was to investigate the association between postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and subsequent cardiovascular disease. Findings suggest that compared with women who have never had a PPH, women who have had at least one episode of PPH are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease in the first year after birth, and some increased risk persists for up to 15 years.
Involving men in pregnancy: a cross-sectional analysis of the role of self-efficacy, gender-equitable attitudes, relationship dynamics and knowledge among men in Kinshasa
by Wood, F.E. et al.This paper identified male involvement patterns during pregnancy and evaluated their associations with pregnancy and birth preparedness knowledge, gender-equitable attitudes, self-efficacy, and co-parental relationship factors. Lastly, it explored the moderating effect of gender-equitable attitudes and intimate partner violence on the association between relationship satisfaction and male involvement. The findings suggest that male involvement is multifaceted and factors influencing involvement vary depending on the type of involvement. Addressing these factors can improve male participation in maternal health.
Maternal and neonatal outcomes among spontaneous vaginal births occurring in or out of water following intrapartum water immersion: The POOL cohort study
by Sanders J. et al.This cohort study aimed to establish among women using intrapartum water immersion analgesia, without antenatal or intrapartum risk factors, whether waterbirth is as safe for them and their babies as leaving the water before birth. Findings suggest that among women using water immersion during labour, remaining in the pool and giving birth in water was not associated with an increase in the incidence of adverse primary maternal or neonatal outcomes.
Induction of labor versus expectant management among low-risk patients with one prior cesarean delivery
by Ukoha EP. et al.The objective of the study was to determine the association between clinical outcomes and induction of labor at 39 weeks in a national sample of low-risk patients with one prior cesarean delivery. Findings suggest that when compared to expectant management, elective induction of labor at 39 weeks in low-risk patients with one prior cesarean delivery was associated with a significantly higher likelihood of vaginal delivery with no difference in composite maternal and neonatal morbidity outcomes. Prospective studies are needed to better elucidate the risks and benefits of induction of labor in this patient population.
Meta-analysis was used to evaluate the effect of implementing perineal massage in antenatal versus the second stage of labor on the prevention of perineal injuries during labor and early postpartum pelvic floor function in primiparous women. Findings suggest that Reducing perineal injuries in primiparous women can be achieved by providing perineal massage both antenatally and during the second stage of labor. Pelvic floor function is improved in the postnatal phase by perineal massage during the antenatal stage.
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Late Preterm Antenatal Corticosteroids: The ALPS Follow-Up Study
by Gyamfi-Bannerman C. et al.The Antenatal Late Preterm Steroids (ALPS) trial changed clinical practice in the United States by finding that antenatal betamethasone at 34 to 36 weeks decreased short-term neonatal respiratory morbidity. However, the trial also found increased risk of neonatal hypoglycemia after betamethasone. This follow-up study focused on long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after late preterm steroids. In this follow-up study of a randomized clinical trial, administration of antenatal corticosteroids to persons at risk of late preterm delivery, originally shown to improve short-term neonatal respiratory outcomes but with an increased rate of hypoglycemia, was not associated with adverse childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 6 years or older.
When addressing resources is not enough: lessons learned from a respectful maternal and neonatal care provider training intervention evaluation in Kenya and Tanzania
by Roemer M. et al.MSI developed and implemented a hybrid training package, which includes an online module and 1-day in-person workshop that allows healthcare providers to explore their beliefs and attitudes towards Respectful Maternal and Neonatal Care (RMNC). It leverages methodologies used in Values-Clarification-Attitudes-Transformation (VCAT) workshops and behaviour change approaches. The results demonstrate that healthcare provider knowledge, attitudes and perceived RMNC practices can be improved with this training interventions. Patients also reported a more positive experience of their maternity care following the training.
Sexual orientation disparities in adverse pregnancy outcomes
by Chakraborty P. et al.Sexual minority (SM) individuals experience poorer health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts in various health domains and have health profiles—for example, health behaviors, experiences of healthcare discrimination, and limited resources owing to structural, interpersonal, and individual stigma—that may place them at higher risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). However, little research has examined disparities in these outcomes with multidimensional measures of sexual orientation.
Pregnancies complicated by bulimia nervosa are at increased risk of chorioamnionitis, anemia, and preterm birth
by Baer R.J. et al.In this study, the authors aimed to investigate the risk for a wide array of adverse pregnancy outcomes among people with bulimia nervosa using an adjustment analysis to account for maternal confounding factors. Findings suggest that pregnant people with bulimia nervosa were at increased risk for a number of clinically important adverse live born pregnancy outcomes. Like others, however, we found no association with preterm birth overall, low birth weight, or small for gestational age.
RSV Prefusion F Protein-Based Maternal Vaccine - Preterm Birth and Other Outcomes
by Dieussaert I. et al.The authors conducted a phase 3 trial involving pregnant women 18 to 49 years of age to assess the efficacy and safety of RSVPreF3-Mat. The results of this trial, in which enrollment was stopped early because of safety concerns, suggest that the risks of any and severe medically assessed RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease among infants were lower with the candidate maternal RSV vaccine than with placebo but that the risk of preterm birth was higher with the candidate vaccine.
Barriers to care and treatment experiences among individuals with postpartum psychosis
by Kobylski L.A. et al.Postpartum psychosis (PP) is a severe psychiatric disorder affecting 1-2 per 1,000 deliveries. Prompt access to healthcare and timely initiation of treatment are crucial to minimizing harm and improving outcomes. This analysis seeks to fill gaps in knowledge surrounding barriers to care and treatment experiences among this population. This report is the first of its kind to assess key public health domains among individuals with PP. Findings point to several directions for future research and clinical practice to improve treatment timeliness and quality, potentially improving long-term outcomes related to this serious illness.
Racial Disparity in Severe Maternal Morbidity Associated with Hypertensive Disorders in Washington State: A Retrospective Cohort Study
by Albright C.M. et al.The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between hypertensive (HTN) disorders and severe maternal morbidity (SMM). To understand whether there is differential prevalence of HTN disorders by race and whether the relationship between HTN disorders and SMM is modified by race and ethnicity. Findings suggest that in Washington, HTN disorders are associated with SMM in a dose-dependent fashion with the greatest impact among Black individuals.
Treating Mild Chronic Hypertension During Pregnancy: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
by Doshi U. et al.The objective of the study was to assess the cost effectiveness of targeting a blood pressure of less than 140/90 mm Hg compared with 160/105 mm Hg. A decision-analytic model was constructed to compare the treatment of chronic hypertension in pregnancy at mild-range blood pressures (140/90 mm Hg) with the treatment of chronic hypertension before 20 weeks of gestation at severe-range blood pressures (160/105 mm Hg) in a theoretical cohort of 180,000 patients with mild chronic hypertension. Treating chronic hypertension at a threshold of mild-range blood pressures is a dominant (lower costs, better outcomes) and cost-effective strategy that results in fewer neonatal and maternal deaths compared with the standard treatment of treating at severe range blood pressures.
Factors influencing gestational diabetes self-care among pregnant women in a Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
by Assaf EA. et al.The main objective of this study is to identify the level of self-care practices and the determinants of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) among pregnant women residing in one of the refugee camps in Jordan. The findings of this study highlight that pregnant women with GDM who have higher levels of self-efficacy and diabetes knowledge are more likely to achieve higher levels of GDM self-care. Beside developing health promotion programs to enhance women's self-efficacy in adhering to GDM care, adequate support and relevant resources to facilitate GDM management among refugee women are recommended. Future research for identifying other potential factors affecting GDM self-care among refugees is highly recommended.
Association between tuberculosis and pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study of women in Cape Town, South Africa
by Meehan SA. et. al.This study aimed to determine risk factors for an adverse pregnancy outcome among pregnant women diagnosed with TB. Findings suggest that pregnancy outcomes among women with TB were poor, irrespective of HIV status. Pregnant women with TB are a complex population who need additional support prior to, during and after TB treatment to improve TB treatment and pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy status should be considered for inclusion in TB registries.
The contribution of suicide to maternal mortality: A nationwide population-based cohort study
by Lommerse, K.M. et. al.The objective of this study was to identify the incidence and characteristics of maternal suicide. Findings suggest that although the overall maternal mortality ratio declined, maternal suicides did not and are now the leading cause of maternal mortality if late deaths up to 1 year postpartum are included. Data collection and analysis of suicides must improve.
The impact of vitamin D changes during pregnancy on the development of maternal adverse events: a random forest analysis
by Borumandnia N et. al.Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has been associated with various maternal adverse events (MAE). However, the evidence regarding the effect of vitamin D supplementation on these outcomes is still inconclusive. This secondary analysis utilized a case-control design. This study provides evidence that maternal vitamin D changes during pregnancy have a significant impact on MAE. Findings suggest that monitoring and treatment of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy may be a potential preventive strategy for reducing the risk of MAE. The presented RF model had a moderate to high performance for predicting MAE.
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) and the risk of Maternal Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
by Carey C. et al.The objective was to review and synthesize the published literature on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and subsequent risk of maternal dementia or cognitive impairment. Findings suggest that women whose pregnancies were complicated by preeclampsia (PE) appear to be at a substantially increased future risk of vascular dementia. The longer-term risks for these women in regards to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are less clear.
This study aimed at assessing the level of timely and adequate ANC visits and their determinants in the 18 Sub-Saharan African countries with the most recent DHS report (2016-2021). The findings revealed a low coverage of timely and adequate ANC visits in SSA countries. Governments and healthcare managers in sub-Saharan African countries should leverage their efforts to prioritize and implement activities and interventions that increase women's autonomy, and economic capability, to improve their health-seeking behavior during pregnancy. More commitment is needed from governments to increase mobile phone distribution across countries, and then work on integrating mHealth into their health system. Finally, efforts should be made to increase the coverage of health insurance schemes enrolment for the citizens.
Effect of early vitamin D supplementation on the incidence of preeclampsia in primigravid women: a randomised clinical trial in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
by Kabuyanga RK. et al.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cholecalciferol supplementation on the incidence of preeclampsia in primigravid women and its related maternal and foetal outcomes. Findings suggest that a single monthly dose (60,000 IU) of vitamin D supplementation, started in earlypregnancy, significantly reduced the incidence of preeclampsia and its maternal and foetal complications.
Risk of stillbirth after a previous caesarean delivery: A Swedish nationwide cohort study
by Al Khalaf SY. et al.The objective of the study was to investigate the risk of stillbirth in relation to (1) a previous caesarean delivery (CD) compared with those following a vaginal birth (VB); and (2) vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) compared with a repeat CD. This study confirms that a CD is associated with an increased risk of subsequent stillbirth, with a greater risk among pre-labour CD. This association is not solely mediated by increases in intrapartum asphyxia, uterine rupture or attempted VBAC. Further research is needed to understand this association, but these findings might help healthcare providers to reach optimal decisions regarding mode of birth, particularly when CD is unnecessary.
Causes of maternal deaths in Sierra Leone from 2016 to 2019: analysis of districts' maternal death surveillance and response data
by Shafiq Y. et al.This paper presents the first comprehensive analysis of the burden of different causes of maternal deaths reported in the Maternal Death Surveillance and Response (MDSR) system at the district level from 2016 to 2019. The MDSR database provides an opportunity for shared learning and can be used to improve the quality of maternal health services. To improve the accuracy and availability of data, under-reporting must be addressed, and frontline community staff must be trained to accurately capture and report death events.
The effect of sexual education on the postpartum women's sexual self-confidence and self-efficacy: a theory-based intervention
by Musavi M. et al.This study aimed to determine the effect of sexual education on postpartum women's sexual self-efficacy and self-confidence. Considering the effect of training based on the sexual self-concept model on postpartum women, the researchers recommend using this model to improve their sexual self-efficacy and self-confidence after childbirth.
Effects of armed conflict on maternal and infant health: a mixed-methods study of Armenia and the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war
by Rostomian L. et al.The authors hypothesised that crises exposure would correspond to decreased healthcare utilisation rates and worse health outcomes for the maternal and infant population in Armenia, compounded during the pandemic. Maternal and infant health measures showed adverse trends during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, potentially amplified by the concurrent COVID-19 pandemic. To mitigate effects of future crises on population health in Armenia, informants recommended investments in healthcare system reform focused on primary care and health promotion.
Improving health literacy through group antenatal care: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Ghana
by Lori JR. et al.This study aims to determine the effect of group antenatal care (G-ANC) on increasing maternal health literacy. Findings sugget that while health literacy scores improved for all women attending ANC, women randomized into G-ANC exhibited greater improvement in overall health literacy post-birth compared to those receiving routine individual care. Life-saving information provided during ANC must be presented in an understandable format to prevent women and newborns from dying of preventable causes.
Prenatal iron supplementation adjusted to maternal iron stores reduces behavioural problems in 4-year-old children
by Iglesias-Vázquez, L. et al.This study assessed the effects of adjusting prenatal iron supplementation to maternal iron stores during early pregnancy on children's behavioural problems. Findings suggest that adjusting prenatal iron supplementation to both maternal baseline Hb levels and iron stores reduces behavioural problems in 4-year-old children.
Data comes from the Jiangsu Birth Cohort (JBC), a prospective and longitudinal birth cohort study in China. A total of 2577 infants born from November 2017 to March 2021 were included in the analysis. Multivariate linear regression models were used to analyze the associations between breastfeeding status, neonatal jaundice, and their interaction with infant neurodevelopment. Findings suggest that exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is beneficial to the neurodevelopment of infants, especially in those with severe neonatal jaundice.
Breastfeeding duration and associations with prevention of accelerated growth among infants from low-income, racially, and ethnically diverse backgrounds
by Dharod J.M. et al.The objective of this study was to describe breastfeeding rates from early to late infancy and to examine associations between breastfeeding duration and infant growth, including rapid weight gain (RWG, > 0.67 standard deviations increase in weight-for-age z-score), among infants from low-income, racially, and ethnically diverse backgrounds. Findings suggest that breastfeeding beyond 6 months is associated with the prevention of accelerated growth among infants from low-income, racially, and ethnically diverse backgrounds, suggesting progress toward health equity.
Associations Between Gestational Weight Gain, Gestational Diabetes, and Childhood Obesity Incidence
by Sneed NM. et al.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether overall and trimester-specific maternal gestational weight gain GWG and gestational diabetes mellitus GDM were associated with obesity in offspring by age 6 years. Results indicated total and trimester-specific maternal weight gain was a strong predictor of early childhood obesity, though obesity risk by age 6 was lower for children of mothers with GDM. Additional research is needed to elucidate underlying mechanisms directly related to trimester-specific weight gain and GDM that impede or protect against obesity prevalence during early childhood.
The Racial Disparity of Severe Maternal Morbidity Across Weeks of Gestation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the 2019 National Inpatient Sample
by Hales EDS. et al.Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is increasing in the United States. Black women experience the highest rates of SMM and also of preterm births, which are associated with SMM. The racial disparity of SMM across weeks of gestation has not been well-studied. The objective of this study was to evaluate differences in SMM between Black and White birthing people by week of gestation. Findings suggest that black women experience a substantially higher rate of SMM at preterm gestations (22-36 weeks) in addition to higher rates of preterm delivery. Even when accounting for age, medical comorbidities, and social determinants, Black birthing people have a higher odds of SMM throughout pregnancy.
Understanding the lived experience of pregnancy and birth for survivors of rape and sexual assault
by Lissmann R. et al.This qualitative research took an intersectional feminist approach. The authors conducted in-depth individual interviews in England with fourteen women who self-identified as survivors of rape or sexual assault, and who had experienced pregnancy and birth after the assault. Findings suggest that survivors of sexual violence have specific maternity care needs. For our participants, these needs were often not met, leading to negative or traumatic experiences of pregnancy and birth. Systemic biases and poor birth experience jeopardise both psychological and physical safety. Funding for maternity and mental health services must be improved, so that they meet minimum staffing and care standards. Maternity services should urgently introduce trauma-informed models of care.
Racial disparities in adequacy of prenatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Carolina, 2018-2021
by Julceus EF. et al.Findings from this study suggests that compared to pre-pandemic, the odds of not receiving adequate prenatal care in South Carolina was increased by 10% for White women and 26% for Black women during the pandemic, highlighting the needs to develop individual tailored interventions to reverse this trend.
Racial Inequities in Drug Tests Ordered by Clinicians for Pregnant People Who Disclose Prenatal Substance Use
by Olaniyan A. et al.Findings from this study suggests that when pregnant people disclosed drug use, clinicians were more likely to order urine drug testing for Black pregnant people compared with their White counterparts, suggesting clinician racial bias. Current practice patterns and protocols such as urine drug testing in pregnancy care deserve review to identify and mitigate areas of potential clinician discrimination.
Preventing Eviction During Pregnancy: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Theoretical Safety-Net Program
by Mandelbaum, A. et al.The objective of the study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a program covering the cost of rent to prevent eviction during pregnancy. The no eviction strategy is cost-effective and reduces cases of preterm birth, neonatal death, and neurodevelopmental delay. When rent is below the median of $1,016 per month, no eviction is the cost-saving strategy. These findings suggest that policies supporting social programmatic implementation for rent coverage for pregnant people at risk of eviction have the potential to be highly beneficial in reducing costs and disparities in perinatal outcomes.
Physical violence during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: why it matters and who are most susceptible?
by Ahinkorah B.O., et al.The study assessed the prevalence of physical violence against pregnant women and its associated factors in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Based on the findings, community leaders are encouraged to liaise with law enforcement agencies to strictly enforce laws on gender-based violence by prosecuting perpetrators of IPV against pregnant women as a deterrent. Also, intensifying education on what constitutes IPV and the potential consequences on the health of pregnant women, their children, and their families will be laudable. Improving the socioeconomic status of women may also help to eliminate IPV perpetration against women at their pregnancy stage.
Is there a relation between stillbirth and low levels of vitamin D in the population? A bi-national follow-up study of vitamin D fortification
by Lindqvist PG. et al.The authors aimed to assess the odds of stillbirth in relation to changes in national vitamin D fortification. Findings suggest that each increment of vitamin D fortification was associated with a 15% drop in stillbirths on a national level. If true, and if fortification reaches the entire population, it may represent a milestone in preventing stillbirths and reducing health inequalities.
Unplanned pregnancy and the association with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes: A Swedish cohort study
by Carlander A. et al.The aims were to study whether pregnancy planning was associated with antenatal care utilization and pregnancy outcomes in a Swedish setting. Findings suggest that unplanned pregnancy was associated with delayed initiation of antenatal care, higher odds for induction of labor and longer hospital stay, but not with any severe pregnancy outcomes. These findings suggest that women with an unplanned pregnancy cope well in a setting with free abortion and free health care.
Experiences of childbirth care among immigrant and non-immigrant women: a cross-sectional questionnaire study from a hospital in Norway
by Reppen K. et al.This study aimed to investigate immigrant and non-immigrant women's experiences of health care during childbirth, particularly assessing two dimensions: perceived general quality of care and attainment of health care needs during childbirth. Findings indicate that many women feel they receive high-quality health care during childbirth, but a considerable number still report not having their health care needs met. Also, multiparous immigrant women report significantly more unmet health care needs than non-immigrants. Further research is required to assess immigrant women's childbirth experiences and for health care providers to give optimal care, which may need to be tailored to a woman's cultural background and individual expectations.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on postnatal depression: analysis of three population-based national maternity surveys in England (2014–2020)
by Harrison, S. et al.This analysis indicates that Covid-19 had an important negative impact on postnatal women's mental health and may have accelerated an existing trend of increasing prevalence of postnatal depression. Risk factors for postnatal depression were consistent before and during the pandemic. Timely identification, intervention and follow-up are key to supporting women at risk, and it is essential that mechanisms to support women are strengthened during times of heightened risk such as the pandemic.
Factors associated with receipt of adequate antenatal care among women in Rwanda: A secondary analysis of the 2019-20 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey
by Lattof, S.R. et al.The study aimed to determine the factors associated with the receipt of adequate ANC among pregnant women in Rwanda. Findings suggest that the prevalence of women who receive adequate ANC remains low in Rwanda. Effective interventions to increase access and utilization of adequate ANC are urgently needed to further improve the country's maternal and child health outcomes.
Disparities in who is asked about their perinatal mental health: an analysis of cross-sectional data from consecutive national maternity surveys
by Harrison, S. et al.The aim of this study was to assess the proportions of women who reported being asked about their mental health during the perinatal period across consecutive national maternity surveys (NMS) in England and to evaluate sociodemographic disparities in who was asked. Despite the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations, many women are still not asked about their mental health during the perinatal period, particularly after giving birth. Women from ethnic minority backgrounds are less likely to be asked and these disparities have persisted over time.
Can allostatic load in pregnancy explain the association between race and subsequent cardiovascular disease risk: A cohort study
by Lueth, A.J. et al.The objective of the study was to assess the relationship between allostatic load, a measure of cumulative chronic stress in early pregnancy and cardiovascular disease risk, 2-7 years postpartum, and pathways contributing to racial disparities in cardiovascular disease risk. Findings suggest that high allostatic load during pregnancy is associated with cardiovascular disease risk. The relationships between stress, subsequent cardiovascular risk and race warrant further study.
Disrespect and abuse in maternity care in a low-resource setting in Tanzania: Provider's perspectives of practice
by Mwasha LK et al.This study used a descriptive qualitative design to obtain thick and rich data on disrespect and abuse in maternity care in a low-resource setting in Tanzania. The actions of disrespect and abuse are alarming in practice and are associated with ignorance of fundamental human rights by both providers and recipients of services. Conducting workshops seems a useful approach to revealing disrespect and abuse deep-rooted in practice and provides an opportunity to rectify the problem with providers. A more extensive interventional study will be crucial to address the widespread actions of disrespect and abuse.
Subsequent pregnancy after stillbirth: a qualitative narrative analysis of Canadian families' experiences
by Gower S etal.This study explores the lived experiences and the most important aspects of person-centred care for Canadian families experiencing a pregnancy after a stillbirth. Participants' responses identified that pregnancy after stillbirth is an extremely stressful time requiring patient-oriented care and support, both physically and psychologically. Families were able to articulate specific areas that would have improved the experience of their subsequent pregnancy. Parents asked for high-quality clinical and psychosocial prenatal care that was specific to them having experienced a prior stillbirth. They also requested connections to others experiencing this similar scenario. Further research is needed to delineate what supports and resources would be needed to ensure this care would be available to all families experiencing pregnancy after stillbirth across Canada and their caregivers.
Maternal health policy environment and the relationship with service utilization in low- and middle-income countries
by Creanga AA. et al.In this study, the authors aimed to describe the maternal health policy environment and examines its relationship with maternal health service utilization in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Findings suggest that despite the availability of supportive structures and free maternity service access policies, there is a dire need for stronger policy support for clinical guidelines and practice regulations, as well as national reporting and review systems for maternal health. A more favorable policy environment for maternal health can improve adoption of evidence-based interventions and increase utilization of maternal health services in LMICs.
Association of Conditional Cash Transfers With Maternal Mortality Using the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort
by Flávia Jôse O. Alves etal.The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between being a Bolsa Família program (BFP) beneficiary and maternal mortality and to examine how this association differs by duration of BFP receipt, maternal race, living in rural or urban areas, the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI), and municipal primary health care coverage. This cross-sectional analysis nested within the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort found an association between BFP receipt and maternal mortality. This association was of greater magnitude in women with longer exposure to BFP and in the most vulnerable groups. These findings reinforce evidence that programs such as BFP, which have already proven effective in poverty reduction, have great potential to improve maternal survival.
The authors aimed to estimate the health and financial risk protection benefits across different wealth groups in Nigeria if a policy of public financing of MNCH interventions were to be introduced. Findings suggest that public financing of essential MNCH interventions in Nigeria would provide substantial health and financial risk protection benefits to Nigerian households. These benefits would accrue preferentially to the poorest quintiles and would contribute towards reduction of health and socioeconomic inequalities in Nigeria. The distribution would be more pro-poor if public financing of MNCH interventions could target poor households.
This study aims to assess whether the characteristics, management and outcomes of women varied between Syrian and Palestinian refugees, migrant women of other nationalities and Lebanese women giving birth at a public tertiary centre in Beirut, Lebanon. Findings suggest that Syrian refugees in Lebanon had similar obstetric outcomes compared to the host population, except for very preterm birth. However, Palestinian women and migrant women of other nationalities appeared to have worse pregnancy complications than the Lebanese women. There should be better healthcare access and support for migrant populations to avoid severe complications of pregnancy.
The magnitude of preeclampsia-eclampsia and maternal-fetal and neonatal outcomes of early and late onset preeclampsia are not adequately investigated in resource-limited settings. This study sought to examine the clinical presentation and maternal-fetal and neonatal outcome of these two entities of the disease in Ayder comprehensive specialized hospital, an academic setting in Tigray, Ethiopia, from January 1, 2015-December 31, 2021. The present study highlights the clinical differences between early versus late onset preeclampsia. Women with early-onset disease are at increased levels of unfavorable maternal outcomes. Perinatal morbidity and mortality were also increased significantly in women with early onset disease. Therefore, gestational age at the onset of the disease should be taken as an important indicator of the severity of the disease with unfavorable maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes.
The objective of this study was to examine the capacity and quality of maternal and child health (MCH) services at the subnational primary healthcare (PHC) level in 12 low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) and its association with intermediate health outputs such as coverage and access to care. The results of this analysis illustrate the heterogeneity in the capacity and quality of PHC service delivery within LMICs. Countries seeking to strengthen their PHC systems could improve PHC monitoring at the subnational level to better understand subnational bottlenecks in service delivery.
Comparing maternal substance use and perinatal outcomes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Lien J. et al.The objective of this study was to examine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal substance abuse and neonatal outcomes. Findings suggest that there was a significant increase in maternal fentanyl use during the pandemic, even with OMT enrollment, with an increase in preterm births and lower birth weights among infants born to mothers with substance use.
Women’s multidimensional empowerment index and essential newborn care practice in Bangladesh: The mediating role of skilled antenatal care follow-ups
by Sen K. K. et al.This study explored that the prevalence of good essential newborn care (ENC) practice can be accelerated through women’s empowerment, where skilled antenatal care plays an important mediating role in improving good ENC practice among highly empowered mothers. The study suggests that a woman should follow the latest guidelines recommended by WHO for antenatal care follow-up. Policymakers can modify some of the maternal and child health care interventions based on the research findings.
The effects of a peripartum strategy to prevent and treat primary postpartum haemorrhage at health facilities in Niger: a longitudinal, 72-month study
by Seim A.R. et al.This study evaluated the impact of an intervention that aims to halve maternal mortality caused by primary postpartum haemorrhage within 2 years, nationwide in Niger. Findings suggest that primary postpartum haemorrhage morbidity and mortality declined rapidly nationwide. Because each treatment technology that was used has shown some efficacy when used alone, a strategic combination of these treatments can reasonably attain outcomes of this magnitude. Niger's strategy warrants testing in other low-income and perhaps some middle-income settings.
This study was a secondary analysis of data from the Sanitation Hygiene Infant Nutrition Efficacy (SHINE) trial, a cluster-randomized community-based trial among pregnant women and their infants, to examine care during institutional and non-institutional deliveries in rural Zimbabwe and associated birth outcomes. Findings indicate that premature onset of labor, rather than maternal choice, may be the reason for many non-institutional deliveries in low-resource settings, initiating a cascade of events resulting in a two-fold higher risk of stillbirth and neonatal mortality amongst children born outside health institutions. Interventions for primary prevention of preterm delivery will be crucial in reducing neonatal mortality in Zimbabwe.
The purpose of this study was to examine if a post-partum navigation program decreased all cause 30-day postpartum hospitalizations and hospitalizations due to diagnoses of severe maternal morbidity identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Findings suggest that high-risk medical conditions at time of delivery increase risk for post-partum hospitalization, including hospitalizations due to severe maternal morbidity. A post-partum navigation program designed to identify and resolve clinical and social needs reduced post-partum hospitalizations & racial disparity with hospitalizations. Hospitals and healthcare systems should adopt this type of care model for women at high risk for severe maternal morbidity. Cost analyses are needed to evaluate financial impact of post-partum navigation programs for women at high risk for severe maternal morbidity or mortality which could influence reimbursement for these types of services. Evidence and details of novel postpartum interventional models need to continue to be reported.
Receiving quality antenatal care service increases the chance of maternal use of skilled birth attendants in Ethiopia: Using a longitudinal panel survey
by Mohammed S, et alThe aim of this study was to assess effect of quality antenatal care service on maternal use of skilled birth attendant after any antenatal care visit. Findings suggest that maternal use of skilled birth attendant can be improved by providing quality ANC service during subsequent ANC visits. Improving ANC service delivery may encourage or positively reinforce women's and partner's decision to use skilled birth attendant.
Challenges in antenatal care utilization in Kandahar, Afghanistan: A cross-sectional analytical study
by Rahimi BA. et al.The main objective of this study was to assess the barriers in the utilization of antenatal care (ANC) services in Kandahar, Afghanistan. This was a cross-sectional analytical study conducted over one year from December 2018-November 2019. Findings suggest that utilization of ANC services is inadequate in Kandahar province. Improving clinic staff professional behavior and status of women by expanding educational opportunities, and enhancing community awareness of the value of ANC are recommended.
The human right to safely give birth: data from 193 countries show that gender equality does affect maternal mortality
by Bagade T. et al.This study aimed to analyse the association between gender equality and maternal mortality ratio (MMR) globally. Findings suggest that gender equality was significantly associated with maternal mortality. Investing in higher education for women, improving their paid employment opportunities, increasing participation in leadership roles and politics, reducing intimate partner violence (IPV) and ending child marriage can significantly reduce maternal mortality.
Nurse home visiting to improve child and maternal outcomes: 5-year follow-up of an Australian randomised controlled trial
by Goldfeld S. et al.The study evaluated the benefits of an Australian Nurse Home Visiting (NHV) program ("right@home") in promoting children's language and learning, general and mental health, maternal mental health and wellbeing, parenting and family relationships, at child ages 4 and 5 years. Study findings suggets that an Australian NHV program promoted longer-term family functioning and wellbeing for women experiencing adversity. NHV can offer an important component of a proportionate universal system that delivers support and intervention relative to need.
In this study, the authors examined the association between exposure to mass media and maternal health care services utilization among women in sub-Saharan Africa. The study identified a strong positive relationship between mass media exposure and maternal health care services utilization. Specifically, exposure to radio and television were positively associated with ANC visitations. Moreover, exposure to mass media (newspaper/magazine, radio and television) were positively associated with SBA and PNC utilization. Policymakers and other non-governmental organizations should continuously invest resources in the design and implementation of maternal health service utilization educational programs through all the mass media channels to scale up women's maternal health service services utilization uptake in sub-Saharan Africa.
Effect of an Intensive Nurse Home Visiting Program on Adverse Birth Outcomes in a Medicaid-Eligible Population: A Randomized Clinical Trial
by McConnell MA et alThe objective of this study was to determine the effect of an intensive nurse home visiting program on a composite outcome of preterm birth, low birth weight, small for gestational age, or perinatal mortality. In this South Carolina–based trial of Medicaid-eligible pregnant individuals, assignment to participate in an intensive nurse home visiting program did not significantly reduce the incidence of a composite of adverse birth outcomes. Evaluation of the overall effectiveness of this program is incomplete, pending assessment of early childhood and birth spacing outcomes.
Geographical accessibility of emergency neonatal care services in Ethiopia: analysis using the 2016 Ethiopian Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Survey
by Kibret GD et alThe objective of this study was to analyse the physical accessibility of emergency neonatal care (EmNeC) services at the national and subnational levels in Ethiopia. Findings suggest that the physical access to EmNeC services in Ethiopia is well below the universal health coverage expectations stated by the United Nations. Increasing the availability of EmNeC to health facilities where routine delivery services currently are taking place would significantly increase physical access. Our results reinforce the need to revise service allocations across administrative regions and consider improving disadvantaged areas in future health service planning.
The association between asthma and perinatal mental illness: a population-based cohort study
by Aker M A et alThe authors studied the association between asthma and perinatal mental illness and explored the modifying effects of social and medical complexities. Findings suggest that women with asthma predating pregnancy are at slightly increased risk of mental illness in pregnancy and post-partum. A multidisciplinary management strategy may be required to ensure timely identification and treatment.
Mendelian randomization study of maternal coffee consumption and its influence on birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, gestational age and pre-term birth
by Brito Nunes C et alThe authors investigated whether there is a causal relationship between coffee consumption and miscarriage, stillbirth, birthweight, gestational age and pre-term birth using Mendelian randomization (MR). Results suggest that coffee consumption during pregnancy might not itself contribute to adverse outcomes such as stillbirth, sporadic miscarriages and pre-term birth or lower gestational age or birthweight of the offspring.
Sex inequality in early initiation of breastfeeding in 24 sub-Saharan African countries: A multi-country analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys
by Bolarinwa OA et alData from Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 24 sub-Saharan African countries between January 2010 and December 2019 were pooled and analysed for sex inequality in early breastfeeding initiation in sub-Saharan Africa. The study found higher odds for early breastfeeding initiation of female children compared to male children in sub-Saharan Africa. To reduce breastfeeding initiation inequalities, programmes that educate and encourage early initiation of breastfeeding irrespective of the child sex should be promoted among mothers.
Exposure to oil pollution and maternal outcomes: The Niger Delta prospective cohort study
by Oghenetega OB et alThis study was designed to determine the effect of maternal exposure to oil pollution on maternal outcomes in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Findings suggest that women in high exposure areas are at a higher risk of PROM and PPH. This calls for policies and intervention toward reducing maternal exposure to oil pollution in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Understanding ethnic inequalities in stillbirth rates: a UK population-based cohort study
by Matthews R et alThe objective of this study was to investigate inequalities in stillbirth rates by ethnicity to facilitate development of initiatives to target those at highest risk. Findings suggest that stillbirth rates declined in the UK, but substantial excess risk of stillbirth persists among babies of black and Asian ethnicities. The combined disadvantage for black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnicities who are more likely to live in most deprived areas is associated with considerably higher rates. Key causes of death were congenital anomalies and placental causes. Improved strategies for investigation of stillbirth causes are needed to reduce unexplained deaths so that interventions can be targeted to reduce stillbirths.
Association of SARS-CoV-2 Infection With Serious Maternal Morbidity and Mortality From Obstetric Complications
by Metz et alThe objective of the study is to evaluate the association of SARS-CoV-2 infection with serious maternal morbidity or mortality from common obstetric complications. Findings suggets that among pregnant and postpartum individuals at 17 US hospitals, SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with an increased risk for a composite outcome of maternal mortality or serious morbidity from obstetric complications.
Association of Discrimination and Health Care Experiences With Incomplete Infant Vaccination During COVID-19
by Preis et alThis observational analysis explores how the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a decrease in infant vaccinations.
Association of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy With Neonatal and Early Infant Outcomes
by Goldshtein et alThe objective of this stuyd was to examine whether BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination during pregnancy is associated with adverse neonatal and early infant outcomes among the newborns. This large population-based study found no evident differences between newborns of women who received BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination during pregnancy, vs those of women who were not vaccinated, and contributes to current evidence in establishing the safety of prenatal vaccine exposure to the newborns. Interpretation of study findings is limited by the observational design.
Exploring association between place of delivery and newborn care with early-neonatal mortality in Bangladesh
by Rashida-E Ijdi et alThe purpose of this study is to explore the association between place of delivery and newborn care with early neonatal mortality (ENNM), which represents more than 80% of total neonatal mortality in Bangladesh. Study findings highlight the importance of newborn and postnatal care in preventing early neonatal deaths. Further, findings suggest that increasing the proportion of women who give birth in a healthcare facility is not sufficient to reduce ENNM by itself; to realize the theoretical potential of facility delivery to avert neonatal deaths, we must also ensure quality of care during delivery, guarantee all components of ENC, and provide high-quality early PNC. Therefore, sustained efforts to expand access to high-quality ENC and PNC are needed in health facilities, particularly in facilities serving low-income populations.
Disparities in use of skilled birth attendants and neonatal mortality rate in Guinea over two decades
by Zegeye et alThis study investigated the magnitude and trends in socioeconomic and geographic-related inequalities in Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA) in Guinea from 1999 to 2016 and neonatal mortality rate (NMR) between 1999 and 2012. Findings suggest that disproportionate inequalities in SBA and NMR exist among disadvantaged women such as the poor, uneducated, rural residents, and women from regions like Mamou region. Hence, empowering women through education and economic resources, as well as prioritizing SBA for these disadvantaged groups could be key steps toward ensuring equitable SBA, reduction of NMR and advancing the health equity agenda of "no one left behind."
To reduce the risk for severe COVID-19-associated illness, CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccination for women who are pregnant, recently pregnant (including those who are lactating), who are trying to become pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future.
Adverse pregnancy outcomes attributable to socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in England: a national cohort study
by Jardine et alThe study aimed to quantify the magnitude of socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities at the population level in England. Results indicate that socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities were responsible for a substantial proportion of stillbirths, preterm births, and births with FGR in England. The largest inequalities were seen in Black and South Asian women in the most socioeconomically deprived quintile. Prevention should target the entire population as well as specific minority ethnic groups at high risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, to address risk factors and wider determinants of health.
This study aims to assess the relationship between perinatal depression and long-term economic outcomes. Findings suggest that supporting perinatal mental health is crucial for strengthening the economic well-being of childbearing individuals and reducing the impact of maternal depression on intergenerational transmission of adversity.
Changes in neonatal admissions, care processes and outcomes in England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic: a whole population cohort study
by Greenbury et alThe COVID-19 pandemic instigated multiple societal and healthcare interventions with potential to affect perinatal practice. The evaluated population-level changes in preterm and full-term admissions to neonatal units, care processes and outcomes. Findings indicate substantial changes occurred in care pathways and clinical thresholds, with disproportionate effects on black ethnic groups, during the immediate COVID-19 period, and raise the intriguing possibility that non-healthcare interventions may reduce extremely preterm births.
Perinatal and postpartum care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide cohort study
by Wagner et alThis study aimed to analyze perinatal outcomes and adverse events during the COVID-19 pandemic's first wave to help direct decision making in future waves. Findings suggest that perinatal and postpartum care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic differed significantly from that provided before. Increased rates of adverse events underline the need to ensure access to high-quality obstetric care to prevent collateral damage.
Hospital Quality of Care and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Unexpected Newborn Complications
by Glazer et al.The objective was to investigate racial and ethnic differences in unexpected, term newborn morbidity and the influence of hospital quality on disparities. Findings suggest that Black and Hispanic women were more likely to deliver in hospitals with high complication rates than were white or Asian American women. Findings implicate hospital quality in contributing to preventable newborn health disparities among low-risk, term births. Quality improvement targeting routine obstetric and neonatal care is critical for equity in perinatal outcomes.
Birth outcomes across the spectrum of maternal age: dissecting aging effect versus confounding by social and medical determinants
by Olapeju et al.Given the trend of increasing maternal age and associated adverse reproductive outcomes in the US, this study aimed to assess whether this association is due to an independent aging or confounded by sociodemographic, biomedical, or behavioral determinants in a predominantly Black US population. In this high-risk minority population, findings demonstrated that the association between increasing maternal age and adverse pregnancy outcomes was due to an independent aging effect and the presence of confounding by sociodemographic, biomedical, and behavioral factors. Some modifiable risk factors to counteract aging effect, include optimizing BMI and consistent intake of multivitamin supplement. A fundamental change in how care is provided to women, particularly low income Black women, is needed with emphasis on the protective role of optimal nutritional status.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Pregnancy Outcomes in a U.S. Population
by Son et al.The objective of the study was to examine whether the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic altered risk of adverse pregnancy-related outcomes and whether there were differences by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection status among pregnant women. Findings suggest that in a geographically diverse U.S. cohort, the frequency of adverse pregnancy-related outcomes did not differ between those delivering before compared with during the pandemic, nor between those classified as positive compared with negative for SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy.
Inequities in Adverse Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes: The Effect of Maternal Race and Nativity
by Adegoke et al.The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of race and ethnicity on differences in maternal and perinatal outcomes among U.S.-born and foreign-born women, as well as racial and ethnic disparities in outcomes within these groups.
The objective of the study was to assess the effect of short birth interval (SBI) on neonatal, infant, and under-five mortality in Ethiopia. Findings suggest that SBI has a significant effect on neonatal, infant and under-five mortality in Ethiopia. Interventions targeting SBI are warranted to reduce neonatal, infant and under-five mortality.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors developed and implemented a new antenatal care schedule integrating telehealth across all models of pregnancy care and assessed the effectiveness and safety of telehealth in antenatal care. Findings from this study suggest that telehealth integrated antenatal care enabled the reduction of in-person consultations by 50% without compromising pregnancy outcomes. This care model can help to minimise in-person interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic, but should also be considered in post-pandemic health-care models.
"I fought my entire way": Experiences of declining maternity care services in British Columbia
by Niles PM et alGlobal health experts have described loss of autonomy and disrespect as mistreatment. Risk of disrespect and abuse is higher when patient and care provider opinions differ, but little is known about service users experiences when declining aspects of their maternity care. To address this gap, the authors present a qualitative content analysis of 1540 written accounts from 892 service users declining or refusing care options throughout childbearing with a large, geographically representative sample (2900) of childbearing women in British Columbia who participated in an online survey with open-ended questions eliciting care experiences.
How reliable are self-reported estimates of birth registration completeness? Comparison with vital statistics systems
by Adair T et alThis study assesses the concordance of self-reported birth registration and certification completeness with completeness calculated from civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems data for 57 countries. These findings suggest that self-reported completeness figures over-estimate completeness when compared with CRVS data, especially at lower levels of completeness, partly due to over-reporting of registration by respondents. Estimates published by UNICEF should be viewed cautiously, especially given their wide usage.
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on time series of maternal mortality ratio in Bahia, Brazil: analysis of period 2011-2020
by Rita de Cássia Oliveira de Carvalho-Sauer et alThis study aimed to verify the relationship between the maternal mortality ratio and the incidence of COVID-19 in the State of Bahia, Brazil, 2020. The study revealed the increase in maternal mortality, and its temporal relationship with the incidence of COVID-19, in Bahia, Brazil, in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic may be directly and indirectly related to this increase, which needs to be investigated. An urgent public health action is needed to prevent and reduce maternal deaths during this pandemic, in Brazil.
The objective of this study was to evaluate neonatal outcomes in relation to maternal SARS-CoV-2 test positivity in pregnancy. In a nationwide cohort of infants in Sweden, maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy was significantly associated with small increases in some neonatal morbidities. Given the small numbers of events for many of the outcomes and the large number of statistical comparisons, the findings should be interpreted as exploratory.
Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality Among Pregnant Women With and Without COVID-19 Infection: The INTERCOVID Multinational Cohort Study
by Villar J. et alThe objective of the study was to evaluate the risks associated with COVID-19 in pregnancy on maternal and neonatal outcomes compared with not-infected, concomitant pregnant individuals. In this multinational cohort study, COVID-19 in pregnancy was associated with consistent and substantial increases in severe maternal morbidity and mortality and neonatal complications when pregnant women with and without COVID-19 diagnosis were compared. The findings should alert pregnant individuals and clinicians to implement strictly all the recommended COVID-19 preventive measures.
The study assessed whether providing contraceptive counseling during pregnancy and/or prior to discharge from the hospital for birth or after discharge from the hospital for birth was associated with reduced postpartum unmet need in Nepal. Findings suggest that counseling women either before or after discharge reduces unmet need for postpartum contraception but counseling in both periods is most effective.
Outcomes following medical termination versus prolonged pregnancy in women with severe preeclampsia before 26 weeks
by Mariana A Carvalho et alThe objective of this study was to compare maternal complications and describe neonatal outcomes in women with severe preeclampsia at ≤ 26+0 weeks in two countries with different management policies: expectant management (Brazil) versus termination of pregnancy (France). When comparing termination of pregnancy to expectant management in severe preeclampsia before 26 weeks, maternal complications were equivalent but maternal reproductive future might have been compromised in 20% of cases due to a higher risk of uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies for patients having classic cesarean (vertical incision). 26.6% of children survived the neonatal period when pregnancy was pursued, however we lack information on their long-term follow-up.
Characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: a 5-year national population-based cohort study
by Murphy et alThe authors aimed to identify and compare modifiable risk factors associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes and those with type 2 diabetes and to identify effective maternity clinics. The data highlight persistent adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Maternal glycaemia and BMI are the key modifiable risk factors. No maternity clinics were had appreciably better outcomes than any others, suggesting that health-care system changes are needed across all clinics.
Disease Severity, Pregnancy Outcomes and Maternal Deaths among Pregnant Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Washington State
by Lokken et alThe objective of this study was to describe disease severity and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infections in pregnancy across Washington State including pregnancy complications and outcomes, hospitalization, and case fatality. Findings suggest that COVID-19 hospitalization and case fatality rates in pregnant patients were significantly higher compared to similarly aged adults in Washington State. This data indicates that pregnant patients are at risk for severe or critical disease and mortality compared to non-pregnant adults, as well as preterm birth.
Estimation of pregnancy losses attributable to exposure to ambient fine particles in south Asia: an epidemiological case-control study
by Tao Xue et alIn this epidemiological case-control study, the authors collected data from Demographic and Health Surveys from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh for the period 1998–2016 for women who reported at least one pregnancy loss and one or more livebirths. The authors assessed ambient exposure during gestation with satellite-based PM2·5 measurements for the period. The findings add to epidemiological evidence of the association between pregnancy loss and PM2·5. Suboptimal air quality contributes to a considerable fraction of total pregnancy loss in south Asia. Controlling PM2·5 pollution will promote maternal health in south Asia.
Changes in Preterm Birth Phenotypes and Stillbirth at 2 Philadelphia Hospitals During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, March-June 2020
by Handley et alGiven differences in preterm birth across populations, the authors examined a diverse urban cohort in the US to determine if preterm birth, spontaneous preterm birth, medically indicated preterm birth, and stillbirth rates have changed during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This study did not detect significant changes in preterm or stillbirth rates during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in a racially diverse urban cohort from 2 Philadelphia hospitals. Although these data allow for disaggregation of spontaneous and medically indicated preterm births, no differences in overall rates of these phenotypes were detected.
Antenatal Dexamethasone for Early Preterm Birth in Low-Resource Countries
by The WHO ACTION Trials CollaboratorsFindings suggets that among women in low-resource countries who were at risk for early preterm birth, the use of dexamethasone resulted in significantly lower risks of neonatal death alone and stillbirth or neonatal death than the use of placebo, without an increase in the incidence of possible maternal bacterial infection.
Delivering maternal and childcare at primary healthcare level: The role of PMAQ as a pay for performance strategy in Brazil
by Olívia Lucena de Medeiros et alThe authors aimed to estimate the association of Programme for Improving Primary Care Access and Quality (PMAQ) with the provision of maternal and childcare in Brazil, controlling for socioeconomic, geographic and family health team characteristics. Findings suggest that PMAQ has contributed to increase the provision of care to pregnant women and children under 2 years at primary healthcare level. Teams with lower average number of antenatal or child consultations benefited the most by participating in PMAQ, which suggests that PMAQ might motivate worse performing health providers to catch up.
Impact of COVID-19 mitigation measures on the incidence of preterm birth: a national quasi-experimental study
by Been et alThe study aimed to study the impact of the COVID-19 mitigation measures implemented in the Netherlands in a stepwise fashion on March 9, March 15, and March 23, 2020, on the incidence of preterm birth. In this national quasi-experimental study, initial implementation of COVID-19 mitigation measures was associated with a substantial reduction in the incidence of preterm births in the following months, in agreement with preliminary observations elsewhere. Integration of comparable data from across the globe is needed to further substantiate these findings and start exploring underlying mechanisms.
This retrospective cohort study used linked birth certificate and hospital discharge data for 8609 of the 100,691 self-identifying non-Hispanic Black women with gestational diabetes (GDM) who had a singleton live birth between 20 and 44 weeks gestation in California in 2013-2017. Findings suggest that foreign-born status remained protective of preterm birth (PTB), irrespective of severity and subtype. Preeclampsia, PTB, and GDM share pathophysiologic mechanisms suggesting a need to better understand differences in perinatal stress, chronic disease, and vascular dysfunction based on nativity in future epidemiologic studies and health services research.
This is the first study to investigate the possible correlation between maternal post-partum depression (PPD), mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship satisfaction, maternal marital satisfaction, paternal marital satisfaction, and paternal PPD. It is important for future PPD interventions to target both maternal and paternal mental health, as well as the mechanisms identified that can lead to PPD.
Experiences of breastfeeding during COVID-19: Lessons for future practical and emotional support
by Brown et alThe authors conducted an online survey with 1219 breastfeeding mothers in the United Kingdom with a baby 0-12 months old to understand the impact of the pandemic upon breastfeeding duration, experiences and support. The results highlighted two very different experiences: 41.8% of mothers felt that breastfeeding was protected due to lockdown, but 27.0% of mothers struggled to get support and had numerous barriers stemming from lockdown with some stopped breastfeeding before they were ready.
Metformin in women with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy (MiTy): a multicentre, international, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
by Prof Denice S Feig et alIn this prospective, multicentre, international, randomised, parallel, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial, women with type 2 diabetes during pregnancy were randomly assigned from 25 centres in Canada and four in Australia to receive either metformin 1000 mg twice daily or placebo, added to insulin. The study found several maternal glycaemic and neonatal adiposity benefits in the metformin group. Along with reduced maternal weight gain and insulin dosage and improved glycaemic control, the lower adiposity and infant size measurements resulted in fewer large infants but a higher proportion of small-for-gestational-age infants. Understanding the implications of these effects on infants will be important to properly advise patients who are contemplating the use of metformin during pregnancy.
Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Hospital-Based Deliveries With Water Immersion
by Abbey C Sidebottom et alThe objective of this study was to compare neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or special care nursery admission for deliveries with water immersion compared with deliveries in the matched control group without water immersion. Secondary outcomes included adverse neonatal diagnoses, maternal infections, and perineal lacerations. Findings suggest that hospital-based deliveries with second-stage water immersion had lower risk of NICU or special care nursery admission and perineal lacerations than matched deliveries in the control group without water immersion.
Valaciclovir to prevent vertical transmission of cytomegalovirus after maternal primary infection during pregnancy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
by Keren Shahar-Nissan et alThis prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was done at the Infectious Feto-Maternal Clinic of Rabin Medical Center (Petach Tikvah, Israel). Pregnant women aged 18 years or older, with serological evidence of a primary cytomegalovirus infection acquired either periconceptionally or during the first trimester of pregnancy, were randomly assigned to oral valaciclovir (8 g per day, twice daily) or placebo from enrolment until amniocentesis at 21 or 22 gestational weeks. Findings suggest that valaciclovir is effective in reducing the rate of fetal cytomegalovirus infection after maternal primary infection acquired early in pregnancy. Early treatment of pregnant women with primary infection might prevent termination of pregnancies or delivery of infants with congenital cytomegalovirus
The Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) cluster randomised trials in Mozambique, Pakistan, and India: an individual participant-level meta-analysis
by Peter von Dadelszen et alThe objective of this study was to overcome the three delays in triage, transport and treatment that underlie adverse pregnancy outcomes with community-level interventions targeting women with pregnancy hypertension in three low-income countries. In this individual participant-level meta-analysis, the authors de-identified and pooled data from the Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) cluster randomised controlled trials in Mozambique, Pakistan, and India, which were run in 2014–17. The CLIP intervention did not reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes. Future community-level interventions should expand the community health worker workforce, assess general (rather than condition-specific) messaging, and include health system strengthening.
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal: a prospective observational study
by Ashish Kc et alThe authors aimed to assess the number of institutional births, their outcomes (institutional stillbirth and neonatal mortality rate), and quality of intrapartum care before and during the national COVID-19 lockdown in Nepal. Findings suggest that institutional childbirth reduced by more than half during lockdown, with increases in institutional stillbirth rate and neonatal mortality, and decreases in quality of care. Some behaviours improved, notably hand hygiene and keeping the baby skin-to-skin with their mother. An urgent need exists to protect access to high quality intrapartum care and prevent excess deaths for the most vulnerable health system users during this pandemic period.
Clinical characteristics and risk factors for mortality in obstetric patients with severe COVID-19 in Brazil: a surveillance database analysis
by Takemoto et alThe objective of this study was to describe clinical characteristics of pregnant and postpartum women with severe COVID-19 in Brazil and to examine risk factors for mortality. The authors identified 124 maternal deaths, corresponding to a case fatality rate among COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) cases in the obstetric population of 12.7%. At least one comorbidity was present in 48.4% of fatal cases compared to 24.9% in survival cases. Among women who died, 58.9% were admitted to ICU, 53.2% had invasive ventilation and 29.0% had no respiratory support. The multivariate logistic regression showed that the main risk factors for maternal death by COVID-19 were postpartum at onset of ARDS, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, while white ethnicity had a protective effect.
Neonatal management and outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observation cohort study
by Salvatore et alIn this study, the authors aimed to elucidate best practices regarding infection control in mother–newborn dyads, and identify potential risk factors associated with transmission. Data suggest that perinatal transmission of COVID-19 is unlikely to occur if correct hygiene precautions are undertaken, and that allowing neonates to room in with their mothers and direct breastfeeding are safe procedures when paired with effective parental education of infant protective strategies.
What has women's reproductive health decision-making capacity and other factors got to do with pregnancy termination in sub-Saharan Africa? evidence from 27 cross-sectional surveys
by Abdul-Aziz Seidu et alThe authors examined the reproductive health decision-making (RHDM) capacity and pregnancy termination among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Findings suggest that women who are capable of taking reproductive health decisions are more likely to terminate pregnancies. Findings also suggest that age, level of education, contraceptive use and intention, place of residence, and parity are associated with pregnancy termination.
The authors aimed to assess the effect of a quality improvement package for intrapartum and immediate newborn care on stillbirth and preterm neonatal survival in Kenya and Uganda, where evidence-based practices are often underutilised. This unblinded cluster-randomised controlled trial was done in western Kenya and eastern Uganda at facilities that provide 24-h maternity care with at least 200 births per year. Findings suggests that fresh stillbirth and neonatal mortality among low-birthweight and preterm babies can be decreased using a package of interventions that reinforces evidence-based practices and invests in health system strengthening.
Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019
by Bearack et alThe authors developed a model that simultaneously estimated incidence of unintended pregnancy and abortion within a Bayesian framework. The findings suggest that between 1990–94 and 2015–19, the global unintended pregnancy rate has declined, whereas the proportion of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion has increased. As a result, the global average abortion rate in 2015–19 was roughly equal to the estimates for 1990–94. Our findings suggest that people in high-income countries have better access to sexual and reproductive health care than those in low-income countries. Our findings indicate that individuals seek abortion even in settings where it is restricted. These findings emphasise the importance of ensuring access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion care, and for additional investment towards equity in health-care services.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in promotion of breast-feeding and reduction of late neonatal infant mortality in Brazil
by Osvaldinete Lopes de Oliveira Silva et alThe objective of this study was to analyse the cost-effectiveness of Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in promoting breast-feeding during the first hour of life (BFFHL) and reducing late neonatal mortality. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed that BFHI was highly cost-effective in raising BFFHL by 32·0 % at lower cost in comparison with non-BFHI. In addition, BFHI was cost-effective in reducing late neonatal mortality rate by 13·0 % from all causes and by 13·1 % of infant mortality rate from infections.
Clinical Findings and Disease Severity in Hospitalized Pregnant Women With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
by Savasi et alThe objective of this study was to investigate the clinical evolution of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in hospitalized pregnant women and potential factors associated with severe maternal outcomes. In the study cohort, one in five women hospitalized with COVID-19 infection delivered urgently for respiratory compromise or were admitted to the ICU. None, however, died. Increased pregestational BMI and abnormal heart and respiratory rates on admission were associated with severe disease.
Perinatal Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms of Pregnant Women Along With COVID-19 Outbreak in China
by Wu et alThe aim of the present study is to examine the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms and the corresponding risk factors among pregnant women across China. Findings suggest that major life-threatening public health events such as the COVID-19 outbreak may increase the risk for mental illness among pregnant women including thoughts of self-harm. Strategies targeting maternal stress and isolation such as effective risk communication and the provision of psychological first aid may be particularly useful to prevent negative outcomes for women and their fetuses.
A sexual and reproductive health and justice policy agenda must be at the heart of the COVID-19 response. The response must ensure that universal health coverage includes pregnant women, adolescents, and marginalised groups and must designate sexual and reproductive health, family planning, and community health centres as essential health providers, reallocating resources accordingly.
Community-based Savings Groups, Women's Agency, and Maternal Health Service Utilisation: Evidence From Mozambique
by Tura et alThis study, using data collected as part of an ongoing programme evaluation, investigates whether participation in Saving Groups (SGs)-a community-owned microfinance intervention focused on poor households - is associated with maternal health service utilisation, and whether this association is mediated by women's agency - as measured by self-efficacy and decision-making autonomy. This study suggests that the impact of SG membership on use of maternal health services goes beyond improvements in household income and may operate through women's agency by giving women the ability to realize their preference for quality health care.
This study explores the challenges and potential solutions for effective implementation of maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) programs for FDMNs residing in camps of Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Findings suggest that providing healthcare in an emergency setting has several associated challenges. Considering the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as the base for identifying different challenges and their potential solutions at a different level of the program can prove to be an excellent asset for the program implementers in designing their plans. Two additional domains, context, and security should be included in the CFIR framework for any humanitarian settings.
Home childbirth among young mothers aged 15-24 years in Nigeria: a national population-based cross-sectional study
by Adewuyi et alA secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) was done to estimate the prevalence and identify factors associated with home childbirth (delivery) among young mothers aged 15-24 years in Nigeria. Findings suggest that young mothers aged 15-24 years had a higher prevalence of home delivery than the national average for all women of reproductive age in Nigeria.
Post-partum family planning in Burkina Faso (Yam Daabo): a two group, multi-intervention, single-blinded, cluster-randomised controlled trial.
by Taon Tran et alThis study assessed the effect of a family planning intervention package on modern contraceptive use at 12 months post partum in predominantly rural Burkina Faso. Findings suggest that a package of six low-technology interventions, aimed at strengthening existing primary health-care services and enhancing demand for these services, can effectively increase modern contraceptive use for up to a year post partum in rural settings in Burkina Faso and has the potential to be suitable in similar settings in this country and others.
Prophylactic antibiotics in the prevention of infection after operative vaginal delivery (ANODE): a multicentre randomised controlled trial
by Knight et alThe authors aimed to investigate whether antibiotic prophylaxis prevented maternal infection after operative vaginal birth. In a blinded, randomised controlled trial done at 27 UK obstetric units, women (aged ≥16 years) were allocated to receive a single dose of intravenous amoxicillin and clavulanic acid or placebo (saline) following operative vaginal birth at 36 weeks gestation or later. The primary outcome was confirmed or suspected maternal infection within 6 weeks of delivery defined by a new prescription of antibiotics for specific indications, confirmed systemic infection on culture, or endometritis. This trial shows benefit of a single dose of prophylactic antibiotic after operative vaginal birth and guidance from WHO and other national organisations should be changed to reflect this.
An mHealth SMS intervention on Postpartum Contraceptive Use Among Women and Couples in Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Harrington et al.The objective of this study was to assess the effect of 2-way short message service (SMS) with a nurse on postpartum contraceptive use among individual women and couples. The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial at 2 public hospitals in western Kenya. Findings suggest that the two-way SMS with a nurse, including optional male participation, increased postpartum contraceptive use.
This cluster randomised trial assessed whether augmentation of a nurse home visitation program with an intimate partner violence intervention, starting in pregnancy, compared with the home visitation program alone, leads to improved maternal quality of life at 24 months after infant delivery? The trial included 492 pregnant women, randomization to the augmented program compared with nurse home visitation alone resulted in maternal quality-of-life scores at 24 months postdelivery of 311.3 vs 316.2 (measured using the WHOQOL-BREF scale; range, 0-400)—a difference that was not statistically significant. These findings do not support augmenting a nurse home visitation program with this complex, multifaceted intimate partner violence intervention.
As part of the WHO’s Maternal Morbidity Working Group’s efforts to define and measure maternal morbidity, the authors carried out a thematic analysis of the qualitative literature published between 1998 and 2017 on how women experience maternal morbidity in low and lower-middle income countries. Analysis of the 71 papers included in this study shows that women’s status, their marital relationships, cultural attitudes towards fertility and social responses to infertility and pregnancy trauma are fundamental to determining how they will experience morbidity in the pregnancy and postpartum periods.
This study investigates the associations between women's autonomy and attitudes toward the acceptability of intimate-partner violence against women (IPVAW) and maternal health-care utilization outcomes. The findings suggest that strong and significant associations exist between autonomy, acceptability of IPVAW and utilization of maternal health-care services.
Neurodevelopmental milestones and associated behaviours are similar among healthy children across diverse geographical locations
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe latest findings from the international INTERGROWTH-21st Project, that has monitored healthy, urban children from educated families across four continents from early pregnancy to 2 years of age, show that human neurodevelopment is not influenced by the colour of an individual’s skin.
Health systems' capacity to provide post-abortion care: a multicountry analysis using signal functions
by Owolabi OO et alThe study authors did a multicountry analysis of data from nationally representative Service Provision Assessment surveys done between 2007 to 2017 in ten countries across three regions (Bangladesh, Haiti, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda). Findings suggest that there are critical gaps in the provision of post-abortion care at all facilities that offer delivery services. In seven (70%) of ten countries, less than 10% of primary-level facilities could provide basic post-abortion care, and in eight (80%) of ten countries less than 40% of referral-level facilities could provide comprehensive post-abortion care. In no country could all referral facilities provide all the essential services that need to be included in basic post-abortion care. Increasing the provision of good-quality post-abortion care is essential to reduce the level of abortion-related morbidity and mortality.
How much do conditional cash transfers increase the utilization of maternal and child health care services? New evidence from Janani Suraksha Yojana in India.
by Rahman MM et alJanani Suraksha Yojana (safe motherhood scheme, or JSY) provides cash incentives to marginal pregnant women in India conditional on having mainly institutional delivery. Using the fourth round of district level household survey (DLHS-4), we have estimated its effects on both intended and unintended outcomes. Our estimates of average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) from propensity score matching are remarkably higher than those found in previous prominent studies using the second and third rounds of the survey (DLHS-2 and DLHS-3). When we apply fuzzy regression discontinuity design exploiting the second birth order, our estimates of local average treatment effect (LATE) are much higher than that of ATT. For example, due to JSY, institutional delivery increases by around 16 percentage points according to ATT estimate but about 23 percentage points according to LATE estimate.
Global Abortion Policies Database: a new approach to strengthening knowledge on laws, policies, and human rights standards
by Ronald Johnson Jr et alThe GAPD is a comprehensive tool that can be used to strengthen knowledge, inform law and policy research to generate evidence on the impact of laws and policies in practice, and facilitate greater awareness of the many challenges to creating enabling policy environments for safe abortion.
The magnitude and severity of abortion-related morbidity in settings with limited access to abortion services: a systematic review and meta-regression
by Calvert et alThis systematic review aims to estimate the magnitude and severity of complications associated with abortion in areas where access to abortion is limited, with a particular focus on potentially life-threatening complications. In spite of the challenges on how near miss morbidity has been defined and measured in the included studies, our results suggest that a substantial percentage of abortion-related hospital admissions have potentially life-threatening complications. Estimates that are more reliable will only be obtained with increased use of standard definitions such as the WHO near-miss criteria and/or better reporting of clinical criteria applied in studies.
In a quasi-experimental trial design, unions with an average population of about 25 000 and a first level health facility were allocated to an intervention arm (n = 4) to receive integrated post-partum family planning and maternal and newborn health (PPFP-MNH) interventions, or to a control arm (n = 4) to receive the MNH interventions only. Study findings demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of integrating PPFP interventions into a community based MNH intervention package. Thus, MNH programs should consider systematically integrating PPFP as a service component to improve pregnancy spacing and reduce the risk of preterm birth.
Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial
by Daniele et alThe aim of this study was to determine whether an intervention designed to involve the male partners of pregnant women in Burkina Faso in facility-based maternity care influences care-seeking and healthy practices after childbirth. The hypothesis was that the intervention would increase postnatal care attendance, the duration of exclusive breastfeeding and the use of postpartum contraception. Findings suggest that the intervention to involve male partners in maternity care was associated with an increase in attendance at postnatal care consultations, in the duration of exclusive breastfeeding and in the use of postpartum contraception, especially long-acting, reversible contraception. The intervention also had a positive effect on communication between the couple and shared decision-making related to reproductive health.
This study aims to investigate the effect of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Seven cohort studies with 3,417,020 pregnant women including 14,146 incident CVD events were retrieved. In the pooled analysis, women with previous GDM had a higher risk of CVD than those without.
Economic and Health Predictors of National Postpartum Depression Prevalence: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-Regression of 291 Studies from 56 Countries
by Hahn-Holbrook et alPostpartum depression (PPD) poses a major global public health challenge. The authors conducted a meta-analysis to estimate the global and national prevalence of PPD and a meta-regression to identify economic, health, social, or policy factors associated with national PPD prevalence. The global prevalence of PPD is greater than previously thought and varies dramatically by nation. Disparities in wealth inequality and maternal-child-health factors explain much of the national variation in PPD prevalence.
Countdown to 2030: tracking progress towards universal coverage for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health
by Countdown to 2030 CollaborationTo achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, the rate of decline in prevalence of maternal and child mortality, stillbirths, and stunting among children younger than 5 years of age needs to accelerate considerably compared with progress since 2000. Countdown to 2030 is investing in improvements in measurement in several areas, such as quality of care and effective coverage, nutrition programmes, adolescent health, early childhood development, and evidence for conflict settings, and is prioritising its regional networks to enhance local analytic capacity and evidence for RMNCH.
Professionals’ mof intimate partner violence in young people: a qualitative study in northern Spain
by Maquibar et alThe aim of the study reported here is to explore professionals’ perceptions regarding intimate partner violence (IPV) among young people, focusing on the characteristics of the phenomenon and their perceptions about existing programmes and campaigns aimed at addressing it. The study participants showed good knowledge of the characteristics IPV has among young people. This knowledge was reflected in locally implemented IPV prevention projects, which they considered successful in addressing young people’s needs. However, these interventions lacked formal evaluation, political support and continuation. The study participants did not believe that nationwide mass media campaigns realistically reflected the specific characteristics of IPV among young people. Thus, participants perceived these campaigns to be ineffective.
Consequences of maternal morbidity on health-related functioning: a systematic scoping review
by Machiyama et alThe aim of this review was to assess the scope of the published literature on the consequences of maternal morbidity on health-related functioning at the global level and identify key substantive findings as well as research and methodological gaps. Many assessments have not been comprehensive and have paid little attention to important functioning domains for pregnant and postpartum women. The development of a comprehensive instrument specific to maternal health would greatly advance our understanding of burden of ill health associated with maternal morbidity and help set priorities. The lack of attention to consequences on functioning associated with the main direct obstetric complications is of particular concern.
This article reviews the literature on research on FGM/C in Australia, which focuses on health system response to women and girls with FGM/C. Recommendations are made for policy reform in health, legislation, and community programs to provide the best healthcare, protect children, and help communities abandon this harmful practice. Findings suggest that countries of migration can be part of the solution for abandonment of FGM/C through community interventions and implementation of national and coordinated training in FGM/C of experts involved in the care and protection of children and women. The global focus on collaboration on research, training and prevention programs should be fostered between countries of FGM/C prevalence and migration.
This review reports findings on a systematic review analysing effectiveness of preventive interventions delivered by Community Health Workers for Maternal and Child Health in low- and middle-income countries. Community Health Workers were shown to provide a range of preventive interventions for Maternal and Child Health in low- and middle-income countries with some evidence of effective strategies, though insufficient evidence is available to draw conclusions for most interventions and further research is needed.
Obstetric fistula is an important global health issue that negatively affects the lives of countless women, and the team highlight what can be done to prevent and treat fistula.
Achieving maternal and child health gains in Afghanistan: a Countdown to 2015 country case study
by Akseer et al 2016After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan experienced a tumultuous period of democracy overshadowed by conflict, widespread insurgency, and an inflow of development assistance. Although there have been several cross-sectional assessments of health gains over the last decade, there has been no systematic analysis of progress and factors influencing maternal and child health in Afghanistan. Despite conflict and poverty, Afghanistan has made reasonable progress in its reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health indicators over the last decade based on contributions of factors within and outside the health sector. However, equitable access to health care remains a challenge and present delivery models have high transactional costs, affecting sustainability.
Reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities 3rd Edition
by Black et alAs part of Disease Control Priorities 3rd Edition, the World Bank will publish a volume on Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health that identifies essential cost-effective health interventions that can be scaled up to reduce maternal, newborn, and child deaths, and stillbirths. This Review summarises the volume's key findings and estimates the effect and cost of expanded implementation of these interventions. Recognising that a continuum of care from the adolescent girl, woman, or mother to child is needed, the volume includes details of preventive and therapeutic health interventions in integrated packages: Maternal and Newborn Health and Child Health (along with folic acid supplementation, a key reproductive health intervention).
Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic factors, method of contraception and unintended pregnancy
by Metcalfe et alThis study aimed to assess the impact of socioeconomic variables and method of contraception on the decision to either terminate or continue and unintended pregnancy. Low educational attainment was associated with not using any form of contraception among women with unintended pregnancies. However, as unintended pregnancy occurs across all socio-demographic groups, care providers are encouraged to have an open discussion regarding fertility goals and contraception with all patients and refer them to appropriate resource materials.
Understanding and improving hospital care for low birth weight neonates in a low resource setting
by The Editorial TeamA seminar presented by Dr Jalemba Aluvaala in the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, University of Oxford
Damalie Nakanjako (MBChB, MMED, PhD) is an internist whose work focuses on optimizing HIV treatment outcomes and reducing HIV-associated morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.
Postnatal growth standards for preterm infants: the Preterm Postnatal Follow-up Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe first international stnadards for monitroing the growth of preterm babies have now been published in the Lancet Global Health (October 2015).
The EMPOWER Program (EMpowering Progress in Obstetric and Women's hEalth Research) is now accepting research proposals related to preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy from young investigators in low resource settings. Letters of Intent are due November 15, 2015. Thereafter, projects deemed feasible will be invited to submit full applications by April 15, 2016. The grant recipient will be announced in October 2016 at the World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP).
Women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health
by The BMJThe articles in this collection examine the evidence and the thinking that form the basis of the new global strategy.
This study aim to estimate the 10- and 20-year mortality from breast cancer following a diagnosis of DCIS and to establish whether the mortality rate is influenced by age at diagnosis, ethnicity, and initial treatment received. Findings suggest that important risk factors for death from breast cancer following a DCIS diagnosis include age at diagnosis and black ethnicity. The risk of death increases after a diagnosis of an ipsilateral second primary invasive breast cancer, but prevention of these recurrences by radiotherapy does not diminish breast cancer mortality at 10 years.
Women and Health: the key for sustainable development
by Langer A et alGirls' and women's health is in transition and, although some aspects of it have improved substantially in the past few decades, there are still important unmet needs. Population ageing and transformations in the social determinants of health have increased the coexistence of disease burdens related to reproductive health, nutrition, and infections, and the emerging epidemic of chronic and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Simultaneously, worldwide priorities in women's health have themselves been changing from a narrow focus on maternal and child health to the broader framework of sexual and reproductive health and to the encompassing concept of women's health, which is founded on a life-course approach.
What is the optimal rate of caesarean section at population level? A systematic review of ecologic studies
by Betran et alThe authors conducted a systematic review to identify, critically appraise and synthesize the analyses of the ecologic association between CS rates and maternal, neonatal and infant outcomes. The findings suggest that at CS rates below this threshold, socio-economic development may be driving the ecologic association between CS rates and mortality. On the other hand, at rates higher than this threshold, there is no association between CS and mortality outcomes regardless of adjustment. The ecological association between CS rates and relevant morbidity outcomes needs to be evaluated before drawing more definite conclusions at population level.
Maternal nutrition: how is Eastern and Southern Africa faring and what needs to be done?
by Salam et alThe progress in key maternal health indicators in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) over the past two decades has been slow. This paper analyzed available information on nutrition programs and nutrition-specific interventions targeting maternal nutrition in the ESAR and proposes steps to improve maternal nutrition in this region. Findings from the review suggest that multiple nutrition programs are in place in the ESAR; including programs that directly address nutrition indicators and those that integrate corresponding sectors like agriculture, health, education, and water and sanitation. However, their scale and depth differ considerably. These programs have been implemented by a diverse range of players including respective government ministries, international agencies, non government organisations and the private sector in the region. Most of these programs are clustered in a few countries like Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia while others e.g. Comoros, Somalia and Swaziland have only had a limited number of initiatives.
Dr Nat Segaren - Medical Director of the Caris Foundation, presents on 'The Haiti National Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV Program'
In celebration of Global Health Trials' fifth birthday (May 11th 2015) Professor Trudie Lang, Principal Investigator of the programme, talks to us about why Global Health Trials was started, why people should share their experience, and what the future holds.
A Review of e-Health Interventions for Maternal and Child Health in Sub-Sahara Africa
by OI Obasola et alA review of e-health interventions for maternal and child health (MCH) to explore their influence on MCH practices in sub-Sahara Africa found a total of 18 relevant articles. Findings suggeswt that there is a need to move the application of ICT for MCH care from pilot initiatives to interventions involving all stakeholders on a sub-regional scale. These interventions should also adopt an integrated approach that takes care of the information needs at every stage along the continuum of care. It is anticipated that the study would be useful in the evolution and implementation of future ICT-based programmes for MCH in the region.
by Lambert et alRubella remains an important pathogen worldwide, with roughly 100 000 cases of congenital rubella syndrome estimated to occur every year. This seminar present results regarding rubella control, elimination, and eradication policies, and a brief review of new laboratory diagnostics.
Breastfeeding practice and associated factors among female nurses and midwives at North Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia. A Cross sectional institution based study.
by Berihun Assefa Dachew, Behanu Boru BifftuThe increasing consumption of sugar worldwide seems to lead to several health problems, including some types of cancer. This study examined the association of sweet foods and drinks intake with mammographic density among 776 premenopausal and 779 postmenopausal women recruited at mammography. The results suggest that an increase in sweet foods or sugar-sweetened beverage intake is associated with higher mammographic density.
In 2013, the WHO released a new set of guidelines on the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS. The new guidelines suggests that all pregnant women who test positive for HIV should immediately begin a course of triple ARVs, regardless of CD4 cell levels.
Systematic review; Journal of International AIDS Society
by Moleen ZunzaMoleen Zunza is a member of the Global Research Nurses' network and is part of the team that has published this systematic review.
The recent BMC Public Health supplement “The Lives Saved Tool in 2013: new capabilities and applications” has been published. The series comprise of 30 papers focusing on various domains of maternal child health with a special focus on the interventions reviewed for the prevention and management of childhood diarrhea and penumonia.
The Lancet publishes a special themed issue to coincide with the third Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 28–30, 2013. Women Deliver brings together voices from around the world to generate political commitment and resource investments to improve the health and well-being of girls and women and achieve universal access to reproductive health. The studies published in The Lancet's themed issue use different methods to show the multidimensional nature of reproductive health and the influence of social determinants and health systems.
Translating Coverage Gains into Health Gains for All Women and Children: The Quality Care Opportunity
by Jai K DasThe health outcomes of women and children have not matched expectations from the gains in the coverage of care. Robust evidence exists for one explanatory factor: the poor–rich gaps in coverage found along the continuum of care for women and children, and particularly for the crucial period around childbirth. The more-neglected explanation for the mismatch between coverage and health outcomes is the quality of the care provided to women and children. The following paper is structured around a key cause and a consequence of the neglect of quality—weak measurement and poor evidence for action—and concludes with priorities for seizing the quality care opportunity.