This study explored construct validity of the widely used indicator for "demand satisfied" by comparing the standard definition to alternative definitions of the indicator highlighting dimensions of women's own perceived demand, choice, and satisfaction. Revising the definition of demand satisfied to reflect the principles of person-centered care offers an opportunity to improve construct validity by ensuring that global measurement efforts align with women's reproductive rights.
School-age Children and Adolescents Nutritional Survey (SCANS), Pakistan
by Das JK. et al.SCANS was conducted in the province of Sindh and Punjab in Pakistan in the year 2020. The survey findings are crucial as it presents nutritional and health indicators from a large-scale survey to lay the foundation of future research aimed towards improving the health and lifestyle of children in the 5 – 10 years’ age group.
Associations between maternal social capital and infant birth weight in three developing countries: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis of Young Lives data
by Hwa-Young Lee et alA cross-sectional analyses of the first wave of Young Lives Survey data collected in 2002 from India (Andhra Pradesh state), Peru and Vietnam were analysed to explore how three indicators of social capital (ie, group membership, social support and cognitive social capital and specific types within each type) are associated with infant birth weight.