The purpose of this study was to examine if a post-partum navigation program decreased all cause 30-day postpartum hospitalizations and hospitalizations due to diagnoses of severe maternal morbidity identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Findings suggest that high-risk medical conditions at time of delivery increase risk for post-partum hospitalization, including hospitalizations due to severe maternal morbidity. A post-partum navigation program designed to identify and resolve clinical and social needs reduced post-partum hospitalizations & racial disparity with hospitalizations. Hospitals and healthcare systems should adopt this type of care model for women at high risk for severe maternal morbidity. Cost analyses are needed to evaluate financial impact of post-partum navigation programs for women at high risk for severe maternal morbidity or mortality which could influence reimbursement for these types of services. Evidence and details of novel postpartum interventional models need to continue to be reported.


  1. J. Chen, S. Cox, E.V. Kuklina, C. Ferre, W. Barfield, R. Li. Assessment of incidence and factors associated with severe maternal morbidity after delivery discharge among women in the US. JAMA Netw Open, 4 (2021), Article e2036148

  2. Z. Brown, C. Messaoudi, A. Flynn, et al. Prompt launch of a rapid transitions care model prevents re-hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients.NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv, 1 (2020), p. 14

  3. W.B. Goodman, K.A. Dodge, Y. Bai, R.A. Murphy, K. O’Donnell. Effect of a universal postpartum nurse home visiting program on child maltreatment and emergency medical care at 5 years of age: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open, 4 (2021), Article e2116024


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