groups » Introductions » Introductions
We have set this group up, and this specific topic, to ask you to tell us who you are and what you would like to get out of the Mother Child Link site. Happy posting!
Hi Muneera
As MCL coordinator I welcome you. It would be very useful if you could share your work and contribute actively on our forum. Hope to have a resourceful relationship. -
HI everyone. I am Muneera Rasheed, research coordinator at Aga Khan University. I am a clinical psychologist by profession. my research interests include working with communities around early stimulation and schooling.
Thanks Aisha! Hope you will continue to contribute and share your experiences.
Sally- with respect to your question on ASQ- a few groups have used ASQ in India and Bangladesh. In India, we used an approach that combined maternal report with direct observation, which seems to work well. The great thing about this screen is it prompts lots of discussion with the family. I am happy to discuss further. Aisha
Hello Everyone,
I am an Assistant Professor at the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. My research interests include the integration of interventions to promote early child development for young children in community and health services, and the inclusion of children with disabilities in community and health services. I look forward to discussions with this group.
Hello Sally
We welcome you to the Mother Child Link! Here you will able to find the recent evidences on your topic of interest. You can go to our 'Resources' section and then look for studies in your specific areas of interest. Meanwhile I will direct people who would be interested in similar kind of work and hope that you could connect. -
Dear Sally,
I look forward to hearing more about what you are doing to see what we can do together - there are lots of potential collaborations through the Global Research Nurses' site. -
Hi, I am Professor of nursing, University of Hertfordshire, UK. I am a health visitor by background and most of my research interests are around maternal and child health. I have undertaken research on breastfeeding, parenting and most recently we are investigating the feasibility of using the ASQ 3 as a measure of child development at 2-2.5 y in the UK. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has researched the use of this instrument in their country. I also chair a global network of community health nursing researchers so if anyone is looking for nursing research collaboration I have some good links.
Looking forward to meeting you on line! Sally -
Hi, I am Professor of nursing, University of Hertfordshire, UK. I am a health visitor by background and most of my research interests are around maternal and child health. I have undertaken research on breastfeeding, parenting and most recently we are investigating the feasibility of using the ASQ 3 as a measure of child development at 2-2.5 y in the UK. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has researched the use of this instrument in their country. I also chair a global network of community health nursing researchers so if anyone is looking for nursing research collaboration I have some good links.
Looking forward to meeting you on line! Sally -
Dear Ronald
It is an interesting and timely topic. You will find studies focusing on this area which will involve mainly two components:
1. supplementary feeding alone
2. OR supplementary feeding along with nutrition educationOne of the objectives of the review could be to assess the impact of supplementary feeding on various health and nutrition outcomes including anthropometric (weight gain, height gain), morbidity (diarrhea, pneumonia, hospitalization) and hematologic outcomes (like hemoglobin, anemia, micro-nutrient status)
Below are the pertinent references of a Cochrane review and a protocol on supplementary feeding that might be of some help.
Sguassero Y, de Onis M, Bonotti AM, Carroli G. Community-based supplementary feeding for promoting the growth of children under five years of age in low and middle income countries. Cochrane Review.Available at: /doi/10.1002/14651858.CD005039.pub3/abstract
Do let us know if you require any further information. We would be glad to be of any help!
i want to do my dissertation/desk top review on the impact of supplementary feeding programs on maternal and child health improvement in Ghana. any suggestions on specific objectives to look out for? am new at systematic reviews. have no skills and knowledge about it
Great to have you here Zohra! Hope that you would share your experiences and valuable work with us.
Hello everyone!
I am Zohra Lassi, an epidemiologist by profession. For the past 5 years or so, I have been involved in doing systematic reviews in the domain of maternal and child health. My work on Community based intervention package has been acknowledged and awarded with Kenneth Warren Prize by the Cochrane Collaboration. I look forward to some fruitful discussions!! -
Hi Nicola
Good to hear from you!
I agree that we need to collaborate more in the future as the fields are interlinked and our collaboration will lead to better outputs. We will encourage more nurses to join. -
Hello everyone!
I am Nicola McHugh, Project Coordinator for Global Research Nurses' network. I think there is a lot that we can share between Nurses and Maternal/ Child link. I am finding your resources very relevant. I would be very pleased to welcome the AKU nurses onto the site too. -
Hi there! I am Rehana and I work as a Senior Instructor-Research in the Maternal Child Health Division at the Aga Khan University, Karachi. For the past two years I have been involved in conducting systematic reviews and clinical and field trials in various domains of maternal and child health. My work includes quality of care for Maternal newborn health, integrated community based strategies for the management of infectious diseases of poverty, financial strategies, and community level intervention for pre-eclampsia prevention. I look forward to a beneficial relationship with the MCL.
Hello Merlin. As MCL coordinator I welcome you. Good to hear that your work and interests are directly related to our link. Hopefully you would find resources pertaining to maternal and child health and interventions for mortality reduction. Also it would be very useful if you could share your work and contribute actively on our forum. Hope to have a resourceful relationship.
Hi, I am Merlin Willcox, a GP and researcher. You can see more about me by clicking on my name (left). I am currently involved in confidential enquiries on maternal and child deaths in Uganda and Mali. I am also involved in a systematic review of such confidential enquiries or facility-based death reviews, particularly looking at their impact on maternal, perinatal and child mortality, and what are the key features of effective death reviews. If anyone has any data on the impact of such enquiries from your country (or elsewhere) I would be most interested to hear from you.
Hello! I am Jai Das. I am coordinating the Mother Child Link (MCL). I am based at the Aga Khan University, Pakistan and my work pertains to the maternal and child health research. After completing medicine I pursued residency in pediatrics and later on moved to research. I have been involved in various research projects. One of them is the Global Action Plan for Diarrhea and Pneumonia (DGAPP) which comprises of multiple country case studies and evidence based systematic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to prevent and manage childhood diarrhea and pneumonia. Our focus here at MCL is to share resources and discuss issues related to maternal and child health and research.
Looking forward to working with you all.
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