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Maternal, newborn, and child health indices in Nigeria vary widely across geopolitical zones and between urban and rural areas, mostly due to variations in the availability of skilled attendance at birth. To improve these indices, the Midwives Service Scheme (MSS) in Nigeria engaged newly graduated, unemployed, and retired midwives to work temporarily in rural areas.
This paper describes the structure, processes, challanges and the outcomes acheived through MSS.
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That's the same paper. Thanks
Excellent - many thanks Jai.
Kind regards
The Eds -
Hi Rehana! I have added the paper by Victora et al 2011 titled 'How changes in coverage affect equity in maternal and child health interventions in 35 Countdown to 2015 countries'. I hope this is the one you mentioned.
I tried to attach the article pdf but somehow it didn't get posted up.. Let me try again..
Hi Rehana - please could you post up the full reference for the paper you refer to? I think it would be of great interest.
Kind regards - The Eds -
I think it could be a possibility. Improved outcomes could be an indication of either improved reporting due to better surveillance or it could also be due to the existing inequities: as the intervention coverage improved the outcomes also showed drastic improvements.There are widely prevalent inequities and social inequalities specially when we talk about the maternal child health interventions. I attach a recent paper by Victora et al on how changes in coverage affect equity in maternal and child health interventions.
The article about the Midwives Service Scheme (MSS) in Nigeria is very interesting. It discusses the redistribution of the workforce to help improve provision in remote areas,which is a concern in many countries. The article also shows how identified health indicators change in MSS served areas.
Could it be that poorer reported outcomes in MSS areas reflects improved reporting?