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The resources highlighted here have recently updated please visit the following page for the latest updated versions:
Practical chart for health practitioners to use to assess newborn size (weight, length, head circumference) at birth against global standards. This version of the chart is being piloted within the University of Oxford hospital network, and plans to pilot in the INTERGROWTH-21st study sites and in Boston area hospitals are developing quickly. Practitioners can download and use this version of the chart freely. To connect with the INTERGROWTH-21st team regarding your experience with piloting this chart, or to request modifications to the chart (e.g. language; different institutional logo), please contact
Download the Newborn Size at Birth Chart (Boys) here
Download the Newborn Size at Birth Chart (Girls) here
Download the Newborn Size at Birth Chart (Boys) here (US print version)
Download the Newborn Size at Birth Chart (Girls) here (US print version)
Also By
- Neurodevelopmental milestones and associated behaviours are similar among healthy children across diverse geographical locations
- Postnatal growth standards for preterm infants: the Preterm Postnatal Follow-up Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project
- International Fetal Growth Standards - latest charts available
The course is interesting but the technicalities involved in assessing some of the key assignments are quite worrisome especially when you make one or two attempts in the knowledge text, rather than improving in your scores, you find out that your scores are rather diminishing. Especially when you have put in your best and you found out that you are not yet there. It's quite frustrating. The sites are not user friendly especially if there is need to retry the quiz. Right now i have been trying to gain access to the quiz on Inter growth -21st Module 1 without success. Inline with these difficulties, i have not been able to finish the quiz. May. N. Okoro
Whoa! This is interesting and feedback will be given as I go on using the tools after downloading.
Currently, I'm in China or 2 months and I am determined to be on track despite the Internet being quite slow. Kindly bear with me but all the topics are beneficial.
I was just recently using the Excel file with the data (which now has apparently been replaced by the downloadable tool) and found that the data for girls at 33 weeks gestational age is missing. This has been repeated in the downloadable tool, since if I enter any weight data for a girl of 33 weeks GA, I get a z-score of infinity and a centile of N/A. Just wanted to alert you all so it could be fixed. Thank you! John