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Acute malnutrition, or wasting, affects large numbers of children in developing countries. Recently, operational organizations active in child nutrition in developing countries have suggested that blanket feeding strategies be adopted to enable the prevention of child wasting. A new range of nutritional supplements is now available, with claims that they can prevent wasting in populations at risk of periodic food shortages. Evidence is lacking as to the effectiveness of such preventive interventions. This study examined the effect of a ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF) on the prevention of wasting in 6- to 36-mo-old children within the framework of a general food distribution program.
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Under nutrition has been an area of concern in recent years specially in developing countries. Several commodities are now being talked about to treat and prevent under nutrition. RUSF, RUTF, plumpy nuts, micro-nutrient sprinkles etc. Although RUTF is widely used for treating SAM, its effectiveness is not enough researched in larger trails.